I think that my recent exploration of individual letter hover effects was always going to lead me down this path. Once I wrote the JS for sequentially applying a class to individual letters in a string with a flexible timer structure, the ideas just kept coming. It all starts with this:
See the Pen Sequential Letter Animation Starter Pen by Braad Martin (@BraadMartin) on CodePen.0
With that JS, designing the effect is as simple as setting this line of CSS:
.container span.active { /* Do something crazy */ }
Then you can change the timing of the effect simply by changing the variables in the JS:
duration = 400; // Set duration of the effect here speed = 100; // Set animation speed through the letters here infiniteLoop = false // Set whether animation should keep on triggering
There is a lot of potential here. I'm only starting to scratch the surface:
Example 1 - Rotating Letters
See the Pen Sequential Letter Animations - Rotating Letters by Braad Martin (@BraadMartin) on CodePen.0
Example 2 - Leaning Letters
See the Pen Sequential Letter Animations - Leaning Letters by Braad Martin (@BraadMartin) on CodePen.0
Example 3 - 3D Letters
See the Pen Sequential Letter Animations - 3D Letters by Braad Martin (@BraadMartin) on CodePen.0
Example 4 - Inset Letters
See the Pen Sequential Letter Animations - Inset Letters by Braad Martin (@BraadMartin) on CodePen.0
Too much fun!